
Ekodar Go Green is the environmental movement of our company!

"We are creating a world of pure water" is the main slogan of our company. We are committed to it since day one through decades of successful activity. Today, when the issues of the global environment become obvious to everyone and affect every person, we support all the concerned companies and people to preserve our world – the world of green trees, blue sky and pure water!


  • We implement electronic, paperless processes and use paper only when required by law.
  • We collect and recycle all paper in the office and at production facilities.
  • We further collect and dispose of batteries and accumulators.
  • Every year we recycle more and more plastic cartridges and other plastic parts of water treatment systems and purifiers.
  • We switched to using paper cups instead of plastic ones.
  • We do not use incandescent lamps in the office, deploying lighting control systems.


  • We have developed a universal Greenmix material, which, with an extended filtration cycle, purifies water without the use of harmful reagents and efficiently consumes water for flushing
  • We use an ion-exchange resin, which does not require chlorine-containing solvents in its production.
  • Our deferrization systems do not use dangerous oxidizing agents – iron is oxidized in aerators using oxygen from the air. Aerators do not require flushing and do not consume water
  • Up-Flow technology is available in our water softeners, reducing water and salt consumption to restore the beneficial properties of the filter.
  • Our company's purifiers preserve the natural balance of salts and minerals in water, remove heavy metals and bacteria, and saturate water with oxygen (Oxylogic technology – the number of oxygen molecules is 3 times higher than in ordinary water).
  • BioCote technology eliminates the development of microorganisms on the machine panels, preventing their spread through the contact zones of the purifier.
  • Ultraviolet disinfection completely neutralizes harmful microorganisms and protects the human body.


  • Our systems are made of food grade material and operated for as long as possible without the need to replace plastic parts and dispose of them.
  • Environmentally friendly compressors for purifiers – R600a freon is a natural gas, therefore it does not destroy the ozone layer (ODP = 0) and does not contribute to the greenhouse effect (GWP = 0.001), and in addition, it has a high refrigeration coefficient reducing power consumption.
  • All purifier models have a sleep mode function.
  • Our filters and purifiers are 80% made up of parts and components that must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Full compliance with the RoHS directive – restricted hazardous substances utilization in production.
  • Full compliance with the WEEE Directive – recycling of electronic components.
  • Our filters replace large bottles, and, therefore, significantly reduce plastic waste and exhaust gases from vehicles of drinking water delivery companies.

Can't recycle? Say no

Plastic pollution is a huge problem and burden for our planet, for humans and their health. That's why even the smallest step towards using less plastic is a great progress!

We use biodegradable materials in our products to avoid the harmful effects of substances such as bisphenol A and bisphenol C applied in plastic production.

Every year in Russia, one person puts down the drain an average of 25 kilograms of plastic.

There is a simple solution to avoid sitting on a personal garbage hill – the use of drinking filters, purifiers, and water treatment systems. Plastic cups in the office can and should be replaced with paper ones or personal glass bottles for drinking water.

The reusable Ekodar glass bottle, unlike plastic bottles, is made of borosilicate glass, it does not enter into chemical reactions with the liquid and does not emit harmful substances into it. With the sealed lid and optimal volume, it is convenient to take it on the road and always have at hand, without causing damage to the environment.

We believe that environmental safety is an integral part of national security, and we strive to reduce negative impact of our company on the environment.

We declare our commitment to the principles of the environmental management ideology.

The main tool for improving the environmental activities of the company is the integrated management system based on ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 international standards.

Environmental policy implementation methods

  • Compliance with the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation (Moscow and the Moscow Region);
  • Design and development improving the existing and introducing innovative, environmentally friendly water purification and water treatment technologies ensuring efficient consumption of raw materials, consumables and energy carriers;
  • Minimizing the risk of situations with negative environmental consequences by taking preventive measures and readiness to eliminate emergencies;
  • Reducing solid residential and industrial waste generation during the operation of the company and ensuring their environmentally safe handling;
  • Improving the environmental culture, educational and professional level of the company staff in the field of rational use of natural resources, environmental protection and environmental safety, involving the staff in the implementation of environmental policy, goals and objectives of the company;
  • Communicating the company's environmental policy, which is part of the general company's policy, to a wide public;

The management assumes responsibility for the implementation of this policy, undertakes to allocate the necessary resources and considers ensuring environmental protection to be the responsibility of every employee of the company.

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